Monday, June 29, 2009


2:58 PM

sila jangan endahkan tajuk entry ini. teringat time kelas ortho tadi. dOc tu cakap kalu those swelling kecil we just called it lippy (maybe i spelled it wrongly) but if it bigger we called it osteophytes. im not really sure coz mengantuk dalam kelas ortho tadi. hakhak.

tomorow is already july. jelita like dat. even my aim to finish some topic x tercapai, ade 1 aim yang almost tercapai. even cam ade kurang here n there. xpe2. jangan lemah semangat. this july kena lagi kuat. go go chaiyok. dulu jelita dah banyak kali aim bende ni n selalu jugak fail in the midway. rasa sangat seronok coz this time almost berjaya. aim seterusnya kena betol2 berjaya on july.

about my eyes, jelita dah jupe the best solution for it. so if u guys perasan, my eyes now is black on the left and brown on the right. cool kan. haha. sungguh la merepek.

nota kaki: Lord, im doing all i can to be a betterman


4 Pengkritik Bebas:

rashiD said...

jelita layann kontet len ke..

Si Jelita said...

mmg layan dr india lagi...
encik x perasan kot....
yela dulu colourless...skang dh mcm2 kaler...haha...

rashiD said...

kalau selisih sekali sekala da noticed jelita pakai kontet len.. aishhhhh...

nnt jelita rasa terharu pula..

ha ha..

Si Jelita said...

hahha.....terharu sungguh kot.....
sbb selisih pun skali skala je....

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~The Prayer~

"Ya Allah, aku berlindung padaMu dari rasa sedih dan gelisah,
Dan aku berlindung padaMu dari sikap pengecut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung padaMu dari cengkaman hutang dan penindasan orang"

~Oath Of A Muslim Doctor~

"I swear by God,the Great,to regard God in carrying out my profession.To protect human life in all stages and under all circumtances,doing my utmost to rescue it from death,malady,pain and anxiety.To keep peoples' dignity,cover their privacies,and look up their secrets.To be,all the way,the instruments of God's mercy,extending my medical care to near and far,virtous and sinner,friend and enemy.To strive in the pursuit of knowledge and harness it for benefit,but not the harm,of Mankind.To revere my teacher,teach my junior,and be brother to members of medical join in piety and live my faith in private and in public,avoiding whatever blemishes me in the eyes of God,His apostie and my fellow faithful.And may God be witness to this oath"

~10 Muwasafat Tarbiyah~

~ Aqidah Yang Sejahtera
~ Ibadah Yang Sahih
~ Akhlak Yang Mantap
~ Luas Pengetahuan
~ Sihat Tubuh Badan
~ Mampu Berdikari
~ Melawan Nafsu
~ Sangat Menjaga Masa
~ Tersusun Urusannya
~ Bermanfaat Pada Orang Lain