Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kala Hati (Sila Abaikan)

11:39 PM

pagi tadi jelita ade eop medicine but tu only clinical. ade lagi theory part. everytime nak eop jelita selalu fikir. kenapa after 2 months posting nak exam cam otak kosong je. ish2. cube bayangkan kalu suatu hari nanti jadi camni:

  1. bile si group leader bagi tau tetibe " korang Dr Ahmad Sayeed nak preponed eop. die nak buat esok". dan jelita dengan senyuman yang manis pun jawab "Alhamdulillah" (dalam mimpi jela ni). haha
  2. time disuruh buat examination kat patient muka relax gile. bleh senyum2 lagi. after habis exam lecturer pun cakap " i'm impressed. more student should be like u" (dalam mimpi pun x dapat ni. cayala korang). hehe.
  3. time discussion boleh updatekan lecturer tua2 tu dengan d latest info in medic. wah kagum gile. siap bleh btulkan diorang lagi. (maybe perlu lebih bermimpi untuk yang ni). haha.
seronok gile kalau boleh jadi camtu ek. memang dalam mimpi jela. tapi ape yang jelita dapat time eop tadi:

  1. the patient is sitting rilek je atas katil die. when intan examine die baring lak. then the lecturer told jelita " u should mention the prop up position. its important" ape kes beb. tadi mak cik tu duk rilek je atas katil. hoho.
  2. then the lecturer ask again. "wat is other sign important other than uraemic encephalopathy?" jelita yang xtau jawapan die juz jawab merapu meraban. d answer is "uraemic pericarditis. show me how u check for it?". apakah? jelita terpinga2. haha. cam sengal je kan. okla sebab xtau so d next yang kuar " so dats ur homework for today"
  3. yeah. jelita dapat homework time exam. wahh sungguh hebat. sape lagi pernah dapat homework time exam. jelita tau budak kolej hampehku ni jela. haha. apakah?
  4. after dat " ok u guys can carry on" blur gile ek muka jelita time tu. apakah? rupenye dah abih exam clinical ku. haha. gile sekejap. adakah itu bermaksud diriku bertuah atau paling malang skali. adoyai.
moral of the story. silalah jangan pergi bermain2 di dalam ward (nak g main g padang la wei). silalah belajar from ur best book which was ur patient. fulamak ayat x bleh blah. so nanti time nak exam boleh rilek2, senyum2, jawab2 soklan cam sembang2 kedai kopi je ngan examiner tu. huahuahua. sila berhenti berangan dan pergi baca buku. sekian.

nota kaki: ade orang cakap jelita makin berisi. adakah? tidakkkkk!!
eop= end of posting exam


3 Pengkritik Bebas:

rashiD said...

inspired by life..
keh keh..

NieFa said...

cici berisi??? They Need To Check Their Eyes With Dr Nad I Guess..Hehe..

Si Jelita said...

niefa: jom kak pah kite g wat ronda2 cari makan....hee~

rashid: ko pun dpt gak ke homework time exm? haha....

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~The Prayer~

"Ya Allah, aku berlindung padaMu dari rasa sedih dan gelisah,
Dan aku berlindung padaMu dari sikap pengecut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung padaMu dari cengkaman hutang dan penindasan orang"

~Oath Of A Muslim Doctor~

"I swear by God,the Great,to regard God in carrying out my profession.To protect human life in all stages and under all circumtances,doing my utmost to rescue it from death,malady,pain and anxiety.To keep peoples' dignity,cover their privacies,and look up their secrets.To be,all the way,the instruments of God's mercy,extending my medical care to near and far,virtous and sinner,friend and enemy.To strive in the pursuit of knowledge and harness it for benefit,but not the harm,of Mankind.To revere my teacher,teach my junior,and be brother to members of medical join in piety and live my faith in private and in public,avoiding whatever blemishes me in the eyes of God,His apostie and my fellow faithful.And may God be witness to this oath"

~10 Muwasafat Tarbiyah~

~ Aqidah Yang Sejahtera
~ Ibadah Yang Sahih
~ Akhlak Yang Mantap
~ Luas Pengetahuan
~ Sihat Tubuh Badan
~ Mampu Berdikari
~ Melawan Nafsu
~ Sangat Menjaga Masa
~ Tersusun Urusannya
~ Bermanfaat Pada Orang Lain