Thursday, March 11, 2010

DariNya Kita Datang

749 PM

dari Nya kita datang kepada Nya kita kembali. today dah genap 2 tahun dia pergi. the pain cant never be replaced. trying to be strong. marilah sedekahkan sekurang2nya Al-Fatihah untuk roh beliau. you will always live in out heart. tahap emosi pada ketika ini tidak tentu arah. and petang tadi terlajak tidur. macam penat sangat sampai x boleh nak bangun. dapatlah mimpi yang menyedihkan tu. everything was so clear like it really happen in front of me. it was so real that i can even feel the touch at my hands. but i regret that i dun get a chance to read what were written there before i woke up. mimpi itu adalah mainan syaian. istighfar banyak2. astaghfirullah hal aazim.

nota kaki: moga roh ayah di tempatkan bersama orang yang beriman.

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~The Prayer~

"Ya Allah, aku berlindung padaMu dari rasa sedih dan gelisah,
Dan aku berlindung padaMu dari sikap pengecut dan bakhil,
Dan aku berlindung padaMu dari cengkaman hutang dan penindasan orang"

~Oath Of A Muslim Doctor~

"I swear by God,the Great,to regard God in carrying out my profession.To protect human life in all stages and under all circumtances,doing my utmost to rescue it from death,malady,pain and anxiety.To keep peoples' dignity,cover their privacies,and look up their secrets.To be,all the way,the instruments of God's mercy,extending my medical care to near and far,virtous and sinner,friend and enemy.To strive in the pursuit of knowledge and harness it for benefit,but not the harm,of Mankind.To revere my teacher,teach my junior,and be brother to members of medical join in piety and live my faith in private and in public,avoiding whatever blemishes me in the eyes of God,His apostie and my fellow faithful.And may God be witness to this oath"

~10 Muwasafat Tarbiyah~

~ Aqidah Yang Sejahtera
~ Ibadah Yang Sahih
~ Akhlak Yang Mantap
~ Luas Pengetahuan
~ Sihat Tubuh Badan
~ Mampu Berdikari
~ Melawan Nafsu
~ Sangat Menjaga Masa
~ Tersusun Urusannya
~ Bermanfaat Pada Orang Lain